In compliance with the General Regulations on Data Protection (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 and the Organic Law 3/2018 of 5 December on the protection of personal data and the guarantee of digital rights, we inform you that the Data for you Provided will be the subject of treatment by BERRAL ATTRACTIONS S.L. With CIF B91664540, domiciled in CALLE GRAN PLAZA N º 10. 1 º B in order to provide the requested service and/or contract, to make the billing of the same.

The legal basis for the treatment of your data is the execution of the service by you hired and/or requested. The prospective offer of products and services is based on the consent requested, without in any case the withdrawal of this consent condition the execution of the contract.

The data provided will be retained while the business relationship is maintained or during the years required to comply with the legal obligations. The data will not be transferred to third parties except in cases where there is a legal obligation.

You have the right to get confirmation about Si BERRAL ATTRACTIONS S.L. We are dealing with your personal data and therefore you have the right to exercise your rights of access, rectification, limitation of treatment, portability, opposition to the treatment and deletion of your data as well as the right to file a complaint with the Control authority by writing addressed to the above address or INFO@NORIABERRAL.COM electronic mail, attaching a copy of the DNI in both cases.

Privacy Policy

Privacy is of great importance to BERRAL ATTRACTIONS S.L. And we want to maintain an open and transparent attitude when dealing with your personal data. Therefore, we have a policy that establishes how your personal data is treated and protected.

Who is responsible for the processing of your data?

CIF: B91664540
Headquarters: CALLE GRAN PLAZA N º 10. 1 º B, SEVILLA, (SEVILLA), C.P. 41005.

For what purpose do we treat your personal data?

At BERRAL ATTRACTIONS S.L. We treat the information provided to us by the interested persons in order to carry out the administrative, accounting and fiscal management of the requested services, as well as to send commercial communications about our products and services, for whose Consent you have lent.

How long will we keep your data?

The data will be retained while maintaining the business relationship, and where appropriate, during the years necessary to comply with the legal obligations that result from application.

What is the legitimation for the treatment of your data?

We indicate the legal basis for the treatment of your data:

  • Execution of a contract: provision of the services requested
  • Consent of the interested party: sending of commercial communications.

Which recipients will your data be communicated To?

Only their data will be transferred to comply with legal obligations

Data transfers to third countries

No data transfers are provided to third countries.

What are your rights when you provide us with your data?

Anyone has the right to obtain confirmation about whether at BERRAL ATTRACTIONS S.L. We're trying to concern personal data, or not.

The persons concerned have the right to access their personal data, as well as to request the rectification of the inaccurate data or, where appropriate, request its deletion when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes that were collected.

In certain circumstances, interested parties may request the limitation of the processing of their data, in which case we will only retain them for the purposes of exercising or defending claims.

In certain circumstances and for reasons related to their particular situation, those concerned may object to the processing of their data. In this case, BERRAL ATTRACTIONS S.L. It will cease to treat the data, except for legitimate compelling reasons, or the exercise or defense of possible claims.

You can exercise your rights materially as follows: by going to the email address of the person in charge of the treatment described above, attaching a copy of your DNI or identity card.

If you have granted your consent for any particular purpose, you have the right to withdraw the consent granted at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of the treatment based on the consent prior to your withdrawal.

If your rights are violated in respect of the protection of your personal data, especially if you have not received satisfaction in exercising your rights, you may file a complaint with the supervisory authority concerning Competent data protection through its website:

How have we obtained your data?

The personal data we deal with at BERRAL ATTRACTIONS S.L. have been directly provided by the interested party.

The categories of data being treated are:

  • Identifying data
  • Postal and electronic addresses
  • Business Information